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7th Grade Clay Pot Project

clay pots

RGS 7th graders have been busy with an engaging social studies project led by Mr. Migchelbrink. This "Clay Pot Project" brings history to life through creativity and problem-solving.

Here’s how it works: Students start by writing a secret message on a clay pot and decorating it. Then comes the fun part—they get to smash it! Afterward, they’re given pieces of someone else’s pot to reassemble. Once they’ve put the pot back together, they try to decode its secret message. Finally, they reflect on what they learned.

This hands-on activity teaches students about:

  • The importance of preserving cultural heritage.
  • How artifacts were traded and their impact on economies.
  • The connections between artifacts and ancient religious, political, and financial systems.
  • How artifacts help us understand and organize history.
  • Evaluating evidence and forming smart conclusions, even with incomplete information.

The key takeaway? Learning about the past is like solving a puzzle. We rarely have all the pieces, but by using clues, evidence, and context, we can make thoughtful conclusions about history.

This hands-on project ties together history, geography, and economics while meeting Oregon’s social science standards in an engaging and meaningful way.